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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Natalie Tina Sinding

Natalie is here!!!! she is adorable!! the pictures explain everything!!!!!:)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I'm getting a reborn!!!!!!!!! Her name is Natalie, she's 16" long and weighs 3 pounds. I'm expecting her in the mail tomorrow morning!! Here is the link to the artists pics of her, I'll take more Once I get her!! I hope the link works!! If not just type in that website and go to "nursery" then "girls to be adopted 2"

Sunday, February 13, 2011

JOIN SWAGBUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Join swagbucks!! It is an awesome website that let's you earn these points called "swagbucks" which you earn by searching things on their website!!! You can get anything on swagbucks, tshirts, books, giftcards, toys, video games, game consoles, iPods, jewelry, you name it and it's there!!!!!! All you have to do is click the ad above to start getting awesome FREE prizes!!!!!!!
SWAGBUCKS RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I got hermit crab stuff for Christmas and I will be getting the crabs after I get back from California in a month!!!!!! sooooooooooooooo HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

hermit crabs!!!!!

For christmas the thing I want most is three hermit crabs and all that they need!!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Hi! I like mighty beans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

HI!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have email now!!! If you want to know my email address than to bad unless you have my moms and you ask her for mine- understood??????? now march!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(jk!!)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Friday, September 3, 2010

HI everybody sorry I haven't been on in a while I was sortof takin' a break.
yesterday was my dads b-day, he turned 44. He's old.
I want to get an email address but I am not allowed!!
!(((((((((******pouty face******)))))))))
now I haz a sad=(
I know how to make a virtual band-aid!!!!!!!! (::( )::) cool eh!!!!!!!!;P
I can also make a kitty(=^.^=)
A koala @(^O^)@
A fish >-(((('>
A monster \(.:.......:.)/
and a person sleeping on a desk m(_ _)m

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I just got back from Guiding Mosaic 2010!!!! it was sooooooooo fun!! I met people from lots of diferent places, like New Zealand, Bangladesh, the UK, Alaska and other parts of the USA........People came from as far as South Africa to participate in this amazing event!!!!!!!!!!
Girl Guides ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was fun! I went to Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Russia, Finland and Sweden! here are pictures!! More coming soon!!

This is the hotel we stayed at in Folkestone (it's meant to look like a ship!!!!).

This is a sign that says "Folkestone".

This sign says "Dover"

This is us on the "White Cliffs of Dover"

This is where we went on the "White Cliffs of Dover" (this was taken when we were 3/4 there... It was a looooooooooooong hike!!!!!!!!)

This is the light house when we got there.

This is the top tower of "Dover Castle"

This is me "baking a pie" (it's made of concrete!!!!! SSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

This is a sign of what it looks like from above!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I am going on a cruise in the Baltic Sea and won't be back for 18 days!!!!!!!!!O.O!!!!! I will try to use the ships internet Cafe to post!!(sorry that "cafe" doesn't have that little thingy over the 'E'! I can't figure out how to get it there!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

chapter two coming right up!!!!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dear fans and followers,
Don't worry I am coming up with chapter 2!!!
(P.S. this is the part where you scream "yay" or "woo hoo" or "yippie" or "horray" or somthing like that!!!!!!!!!)

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I think the best way to tell you about her brother (her name's Loraine and her brothers name is Connor) is to tell you about his past. He was adopted after her parents found out they couldn't have more kids. He was only two years old and he really was cute, but for no apparent reason, kids called him E. T. No one knew why, but he didn't mind it, he actualy liked it.

When he came home he was normalish but his behavior was.......well....wierd. He could jump so high he could touch the only two years old!! he could also talk extremely fluently without a problem, she was five and she couldn't!! He could speak every human language and some seemingly made up languages. Doctors thought he was either a miracle or a wierdo. Loraine thought he was cool! She told every one at school. Her teacher said that she had a very vivid imagination, Loraine had no clue what a vivid imagination was, but she thought it was probably a good thing. her class mates said she was crazy and the 5th and 6th graders just laughed and said "yeah, right!!!" and then went to tell thier friends as she said "but it's true! my brother is a super hero!!" to them.
Conner wasn't really a super hero, he was an extraterrestrial life form- an alien. Everyone knew he was different, and they all thought he was different for various reasons. His parents thought it was the stress at the adoption center, Kaitlynn(she is Loraine and Connors sister- she is in college and doesn't get to come home often.)thought, from what she had heard, that he is probably trying to impress them so he won't get sent back to the center. Loraine, as you already know, thought he was a super hero. Connor knew exactly what he was, and that every thing he did was just normal alien stuff. His real parents died in a glootor (space ship) crash. He fell onto earth and the center found him. he was 3 months old.
Kaitlynn couldn't understand what was wrong with Connor she knew only what her parents told her and it didn't make sense to her:
Dear Kaitlynn,
Conner is a very wonderful kid and you will love him when you get home. he is dealing with stress so he acts a little different then most his age. Loraine thinks he is a super hero!!
I hope your classes are going well!!
mom & dad
She had no clue why Loraine would think he was a super hero, and how a two year old could really be stressed. It just didn't make sense!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

This is my book!!!!!
Once upon a time in a land far away.......woops! wrong story!! ahem.
There is a girl who lives in a neighborhood near your house, a girl is dealing with her life problems. she is pretty normal; she lives in a normal house, has normal parents, goes to a normal school, and eats normal food, she has a normal name and a normal sister, but her not-so-normal problem is her brother. He looks and sounds normal..........but he's not.
This is the kind of story that you know will scare you to death, gross you out, and keep you checking in the back corner of your closet...... but still you can't help but read. Simply becuase you want to know what happens next. SOOOOOO? What's wrong with her brother? you ask? Well, read on and you will find out!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I passed my Aikido test and I got to 14th kyu and now I have a yellow stripe and a red stripe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Today I went to park day again. Hannah was there and it was really fun. We climbed the big tree and explored the forest, then we went to the playground and burried my whole body exept my head, it was funny!!! I love park day!!!!!!!!!!

This is what I love about it:

  • seeing my friends
  • playing on the playground
  • climbing the tree's
  • exploring the forest
  • running down the hill

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This is me playing the piano!
This is "Minuet 1" by Bach!

this is how big my dog is!!